Skandal ! Kontrolli trupor i policeve qe tronditi amerikanet..!!

Kontrolli fizik i civileve nga policet amerikane shokoi gjith boten pasi  nxorren ket vi djo.  Polici i sherbimit i fut doren ne (!) te zogu ,  ne prapanice  dhe e kap edhe per gjok si.  Per ta pare vete skenen kur polici u fut doren dhe shijon kontrollin fizik  ndaj ketyre 2 bukurosheve bjondeve shi okni me po ste.
Physical examination of civilians by U.S. police shocked the entire world as djo vi pulled ket. Police entered the service of the hand (!) The bird, we picked up the ass and for Gjok like. To see him when police entered the scene and relish hand physical control over these two beauties blondes rain is okni with STE.