Shikoni emisionin me te vecante ne bote , te gjitha te ftuarat duhet te zhvishen ..

Pa dyshim qe ky eshte emisioni me programin me te vecante ne bote , prandaj duhet te jesh i/e pergatitur para se te vesh aty se perndryshe do te te zhve shin.  Keshtu u ndodhi disa vajzave qe ishin te fuara dhe andej nga mesi i emisionit filluan ti zhve shin nje nga nje. Me pos te mund te ndi qni momentet kur ua heqin te mba thurat vajzave bukuroshe.
This  is undoubtedly show with a special program in the world, so you need to be / prepared before you wear it that would otherwise be displaced shin. So they had some girls who were there Fuar and mid-shin displacement began to show one by one. With the can but cant feel the moments when I get to knit intel lovely girls.